12 PiTiVi Alternatives

PiTiVi is a non-linear video editor, which is written in Python language as well as based on GTK+ and GStreamer. By the fact that not every editor has the same approach for video editing, nor the same requirements, so this platform can provide various ways for modifying and creating any timeline.

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The user can be offered from the range of a simple synopsis view like a-la iMovie to the full-blown editing view like aka complex view, which then puts him in entire control of his editing. In addition to that services, PiTiVi can also capture and encode video as well as audio, trim and split video clips, enhance the audio in any of the formats that are supported by the GStreamer framework.

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  • Transformation toolbox
  • Compositor
  • Video Editing
  • Capture Video
  • Integrated codecs
  • Video Maker

Similar to PiTiVi

There are up to 12 PiTiVi Alternatives. It has features like Automatic-shot-detection, Color-key, Cutting and Video-processing. The best alternative to PiTiVi is Kdenlive, which is Paid. The other best apps like PiTiVi are Davinci Resolve, Lightworks, and Write-on Video.

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12 Best PiTiVi Alternatives


