11 MyWikis Alternatives

MyWikis is a kind of provider, which can offer top quality as well as low-cost customized premium wiki hosting without having any ads. As there are millions of wikis are available on the internet and each of them has a different purpose, as some of them are used as a subject, knowledge bases, a hobby, or an interest, etc. Leading wikis may use by multiple companies, so they can securely share internal information.

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Wikis on this platform are also versatile and can be used for several purposes like sharing of information, collaboration, and much more. The user may download its software and install it, or use a wiki host directly.

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  • Visual Editor
  • HTTP authentication
  • IP address allow-list
  • Built-in MediaWiki permissions

Similar to MyWikis

There are up to 11 MyWikis Alternatives. It has features like Wiki Engine, Wiki-farm, Wiki-hosting and Wikipedia. The best alternative to MyWikis is Fandom, which is Paid. The other best apps like MyWikis are MediaWiki, BookStack, and Miraheze.

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11 Alternatives Listed
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11 Best MyWikis Alternatives


