7 Apps Like Easy Noise

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Easy Noise is an Android application that is a simple white noise player. Easy Noise provides seven different noises: fuzz, grey, grey 2, white, pink, brown, and blue. It also allows users to continue their audio listening under other audio. Easy Noise has no connection to the network. It completely works without the internet. It is an excellent application for white noises, which C. Liam Brown developed.

Easy Noise allows users to maintain the volume through their application by sliding the low & high buttons. It takes only one permission to manage calls after installation because it pauses the audio when any phone call is coming.

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  • Seven sounds.
  • Play/pause widget.
  • No tracker of any kind.
  • Quick settings.


  • Small, easy interface.
  • It works without the internet.
  • No ads.


  • Limited sounds.
  • Lack of advanced features.
  • Only for Android phones.

Easy Noise Alternatives

    1: Noizio


    Noizio is an application that helps users to have focused working and calm sleep with their ambient sounds. Noizio helps to remove surrounding distractions and background noises. Noizio allows users to create a mixture of multiple sounds according to their needs. Users can set audio according to their environment, which helps manage anxiety, sleep problems, stress coping, and many mental issues. Noizio contains a wide range of background sounds with multiple categories. Noizio also allows users to enjoy all the…


    2: Generative.fm


    Generative.fm is a desktop application that generates never-ending or repeating various ambient music. It contains multiple audio categories, making it easy for the user to select any of them quickly. It allows users to create their accounts, which helps users to choose their favorite audio and separate them. The audio in Generative.fm does not repeat and plays for unlimited time without any distraction from playing the same audio again. Generative.fm provides users with truly ambient and quality-focused music. Generative.fm provides…

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    3: Ambie

    Ambie Ambie Ambie
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    An application that helps users sleep better and focus works with Ambie white noises and natural sounds. Some people use background noises to maintain their concentration on work, so, Ambie provides them with various natural sounds such as thunder, rain, fast wind, river waves, and many more to meet their needs. These sounds may help them with sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety. Downloading Ambie from the Microsoft Store allows users to access online catalog sounds through which users can download…


    4: A Soft Murmur

    A Soft Murmur

    A Soft Murmur is an application that generates multiple background sounds to make its users feel relaxed and focused and to avoid background noises of the environment. It provides users a wide range of options to select any audio according to their mind because some people don’t like the sound of rain or the hum of a fan, and some like the machine’s white noise, so it all depends on the user that in which audio they feel relaxed. Some…

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    5: Noice


    Noice is an Indonesian application that provides audio content in multiple ways, like podcasts, radio, audiobooks, and series. Noice provides all favorite creators: Vincent Rompies, Desta, Andre Taulany, Deddy Corbuzier, Coki Pardede, and Tretan Muslim content under one platform. Even it allows users to support their favorite content creators with Noice coins to boost their motivation to create more content. It also contains multiple audio series and details of various radio and radio stations. The comment column of Online radio…


    6: myNoise


    myNoise is an application containing multiple sounds and ambient noises to relax users. It Enhances the user’s focus, sleep, and relaxation. It creates the perfect audio environment according to the user’s needs. It contains a wide range of interactive sound generators and generates a sound that fits the user’s mood. It helps people to focus on work, avoiding background noises also, and it helps to have a relaxed sleep. It not only avoids background noises, but it also helps to…


    7: Noisli


    The Noisli app is popular because it has many relaxing sounds. You can use it on websites and mobile devices. These sounds help users relax, improve focus, and increase productivity. This product has many features that help you create a unique and exciting audio experience. The platform has many ambient sounds like rain, thunderstorms, wind, forest, waves, crackling fire, and white noise. They are all of outstanding quality. The sounds are intentionally made to help you feel calm and relaxed.…
