13 Sites Like RateMe.Link

RateMe.Link is a platform that allows websites to gather feedback from their customers. It allows customers to write their reviews about products and services provided by the website. It is one of the most trusted service providers and is partnered with multiple popular platforms, including Facebook, TripAdvisor, Google, yelp, Trustpilot, and many more.

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It lets websites know about their working condition by getting constant online reviews from their customers, guests, patients, clients, visitors, and many more. It allows businesses to get reviews from their customers with star ratings, which indirectly enhances the audience and revenue of any business.

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It comes up with multiple advanced features that help in getting more happy reviews from customers. Instant feedback notifications allow businesses, companies, and websites to gain instant reviews from their customer or clients in real-time. 

It captures terrible customer reviews and helps fix their issues. It provides the administration with a feedback dashboard that shows all the recent feedback and waiting of customers & clients. It is suitable for all kinds of businesses that deal with customers, clients, patients, guests, or any individual, and it makes it easier for large companies to gather issues of their customers. If you are willing to find alternatives, check out our site listing the best alternative to RateMe.Link. 


  • High-end privacy. 
  • No cookie banners. 
  • Doesn’t collect unauthorized users. 
  • Fast working. 

RateMe.Link Alternatives

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13 Alternatives Listed
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