10 CharityTracker Alternatives

CharityTracker is an online program that unites philanthropic groups in a community, allowing them to interact and track client information in real-time. It is a cloud-based collaboration program that is HIPAA-compliant. A common client case database, result monitoring, and reporting, post bulletins, and referrals are among the features.

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The system includes a web application for shared case management, which collects and reports statistical data for resource development, strategic planning, result measurement, duplication reduction, and disaster relief. The main advantage of adopting this application is that the agency directory provides a listing of all agencies and their agents in a network.

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  • Case Management
  • Appointment Management
  • Assessment Management
  • Administrative Reporting
  • Child Welfare Management

Similar to CharityTracker

There are up to 10 CharityTracker Alternatives. The best alternative to CharityTracker is Social Solutions ETO, which is Paid. The other best apps like CharityTracker are Penelope, Casebook, and FAMCare.

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CharityTracker Information

10 Alternatives Listed
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10 Best CharityTracker Alternatives


