Digimon Survive is an anime, role-playing, strategy, and simulation video game developed by HYDE, Inc. This game takes place in a mysterious world that is full of dangerous monsters. The story of the game revolves around a Takuma Momozuka name character. According to the story of the game, the character gets lost on a school trip and finds himself in a mysterious world.
In this game, the player has to fight against the monsters and defeat them. To defeat the monsters, the player has to make decisions and various strategies. Throughout the game, you have to find your way back home. The game enables the player to explore the game world to find the hidden secrets of the game world.
This game gives you the option to make choices while playing and the choices you make will affect the gameplay. Furthermore, during the gameplay, you can interact and make bond with the NPCs. It has a wide range of unique cast of characters from which the player can choose his favorite one. Here we have tried our best to cover all the games alternative to Digimon Survive for readers.
- Story rich game
- Choice’s matter
- Plenty of replayability
- Best presented visual novel
- Expertly written characters
Similar Games To Digimon Survive
Digimon Survive Information
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5: Demonschool
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6: Atelier series
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8: Dusk Diver
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The Caligula Effect is a role-playing and anime video game developed by FURYU Corporation. This game is set in an idyllic world of Mobius where the people forget about problems and pain. Throughout the game, the player has to step into the shoes of a female character. All through the game, you have to try to escape from the game world. In this game, the objective of the player is to defeat and eliminate the enemies. To defeat and eliminate…
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12: Tokyo Xanadu
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